We are Vibrosonic

We are a company with high ethical standards and social responsibility. We design our working environment to be fulfilling and flexible. We encourage our employees to creatively challenge the tried and tested to incorporate innovative solutions and develop them further. We want to give people with hearing impairment the hearing that they desire.

We experience life most intensely when we can perceive it with all our senses – to the fullest, without restrictions. The sense of hearing is the most sophisticated and sensitive of our five senses. Vibrosonic reconnects people with hearing impairment to the sound of life.

Join our team

Vibrosonic is a young, dynamic company in scenic Mannheim. We work with passion and joy to improve the lives of people with hearing loss. With our core technology, the Hearing Contact Lens®, we are unique in the marketplace. We have big plans for the future and are looking for committed employees to join us.


For job offers please refer to our German website.


Our Founders

We are Dominik Kaltenbacher, Ernst Dalhoff and Jonathan Schächtele, the founders of Vibrosonic. As scientists, we’ve spent many years researching an innovative hearing solution. To bring our invention to market, we founded our company Vibrosonic in 2016 – supported by partners in the technology, industry, and medical fields. Today, around 30 employees collaborate for the success of our Hearing Contact Lens®.

Your direct line to us

Do you have questions, requests, or suggestions?
Please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

T +49 (0)621 1806 269 0

Vibrosonic GmbH
Franz-Volhard-Straße 3
68167 Mannheim